Horizon's End
Quarterdeck Gallery Scuttlebutt


This Deck


Ship Profile
Crew Ranks
Welcome to the Home Port for the ship and crew of Horizon's End. 
Salute ye the Colours and come aboard.
Horizon's End Banner

We are the crew of a simulated 15thC ship, Horizon's End, involved in the combat forms and Arts & Sciences of the Medieval through Renaissance periods, particularly relating to the ships and ambiance of the Great Age of Exploration (13th-15th C). We endeavor to represent our sea-going background in our terminology, titles, activites, and to simulate our ship's deck when camping at events.

We play under the auspices of the Society for Creative Anachronim (SCA), a Medieval & Renaissance living history society. Our homeport is the Docks of the Barony of Calafia (San Diego), Kingdom of Caid (California).

General Information:  yeoman@horizons-end.org


Send mail to yeoman@horizons-end.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 09.30.2007
Unless otherwise noted, most pictures on this website are courtesy of Seti the Great