Potrero War
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Ship Profile
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This Deck

Potrero War
Great Western War
Estrella War
Rez War Design Notes


Fall War '04
Spring War '04
Spring War '03

A local war in Calafia, held at Potrero State Park over Labour Day and Memorial Day weekends. The Spring War is usually quite well attended and is getting quite a reputation for our rapier wars. Fall War is usually bloody hot and a good war to camp, hang out, and enjoy the scenery :)

Ship's Logs

Fall War 2007 Devil's Kitchen and Sauna!
Spring War 2007 The Armada invades North Shore
Fall War 2006 The making of a Charger Girl.
Spring War 2006 The Golden Age of Pyracy
Fall War 2005 You didn't go either?
Spring War 2005 Fleet's In!

Fall War 2004

The Laid Back, Cool, and Rather Naughty War.
Spring War 2004 The Rapier War that Wouldn't End
Fall War 2003 The Rapier War that Wasn't
Spring War 2003 Who's got the Pig?
Fall War 2002 Fire? We don't need no stinkin' fire!
Spring War 2002 Rapier Rugby goes GOOOAAAAALLLL!!!
Fall War 2001 Flaming Mongoose

Send mail to yeoman@horizons-end.org with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: 09.30.2007
Unless otherwise noted, most pictures on this website are courtesy of Seti the Great