Quarterdeck AboveDecks Gallery Scuttlebutt


Potrero War
Great Western War
Estrella War
Rez War Design Notes

This Deck

Flag Points
Bases & Rez Points


Rez War Design Notes



Special Rules:

  1. The Monks are Non-Combatants VIP's and are not armed. They can Heal, give Last Rites, capture flag points and the opposition’s Base flag, and also move their team’s base flag to a forward position. If the Monk is captured while carrying a flag, it is the escort’s choice whether they drop the flag or continue to maintain it.
  2. Heal – The monk may heal one wound per fighter per rez. This is accomplished by placing BOTH hands on the fighter and performing a 5-count (thus the Monk cannot heal if they are carrying a flag). If the fighter has more than one wound, it is the fighter’s choice which wound is healed.
  3. Last Rites – If a fighter is seriously wounded and/or wishes to rez, the Monk may administer Last Rites. The process is the same as Heal, after which the fighter returns to his/her RP.

Discussion: The purpose of the Monk is manifold: 1) give a respite to the “leg’em and leave’em” victims, 2) give the other team a mobile VP, 3) give the team an individual who can provide ‘spiritual’ guidance on the field (i.e. communication), participate in team activities (capture the flag), but who can’t get fixated on the combat (can’t fight), and lastly 4) give an authorized student fighter a chance to make a contribution for his unit/team.



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Last modified: 09.30.2007
Unless otherwise noted, most pictures on this website are courtesy of Seti the Great